childhood trauma and addiction

1 12, 2020

Addressing Childhood Trauma Later in Life

By |2023-08-24T04:44:43+00:0001/12/2020|Addiction Treatment Therapy, Dual diagnosis, mental health treatment, Substance Abuse Treatment|0 Comments

Regardless of how long ago a childhood trauma occurred, it can affect your present physical and mental health. Traumas are events that can threaten your life, dignity, or mental well-being. These events can trigger a physical or emotional reaction and lead to a variety of [...]

23 07, 2020

Childhood Trauma and Addiction

By |2023-08-22T07:18:15+00:0023/07/2020|Addiction, Addiction Treatment Therapy, Trauma Therapy|Comments Off on Childhood Trauma and Addiction

Unraveling the mysteries of our psyche is never easy. Deep-seated emotions hide within us and drive our behaviors, without us even realizing it. This is a phenomenon that plays out in the connection between childhood trauma and addiction Studies suggest that childhood traumas play a [...]

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