family dynamics of addiction
By Published On: 12/05/2021Categories: Addiction, Addiction Treatment Therapy, Substance Abuse TreatmentComments Off on The Common Family Dynamics of AddictionTags: , ,

Families are significantly impacted when one member is using drugs or alcohol, especially when addiction forms. Family members could be angry, supportive, or afraid. They may even start to mimic your behaviors, especially if you have children. Recognizing the family dynamics of addiction is essential. It can help you to see how important it is to see change. At Georgia Addiction Treatment Center, we aim to help make that possible. Contact us today at [Direct] to learn more about the treatment options available.

What Are the Family Dynamics of Addiction?

Addiction is not a disease that impacts just one person. It affects every member of the family in most cases. People play different potential roles in the family dynamic when addiction is present. Some examples of this include the following:

  • The person using drugs: This person is likely to be unable to stop using. They are potentially facing health risks and mental health challenges from their continued use.
  • Enabler: This person is the one that makes excuses and provides a place to live and money to buy drugs or alcohol because they want things to be smooth or to help their loved one.
  • Hero: This is the person in the family that tries to keep the peace. They work hard at keeping the household functioning but often have approval-seeking behaviors.
  • Scapegoat: This person is often the one member of the family that’s often blamed for everyone else’s problems. These individuals act out and typically have trouble with authority.
  • Clown or jokester: This person is likely trying to help create a distraction for the family. This person is often emotionally immature and unable to manage the dysfunction present.
  • Lost person: This person is often a younger child. He or she knows something is wrong but does not know what is happening. Often, they face neglect within the family dynamic due to addiction.

None of these dynamics are particularly healthy, which is why it may be necessary to attend a family therapy program.

Family Therapy Can Offer Help

Realizing that a family is in trouble is one of the first steps, no matter which role you play. Coming to that understanding means that you can do something about it by reaching out for professional support. That often leads to family therapy.

During family therapy, people come together to talk about what is happening, why, and how to move beyond it. Some people may be more receptive to family therapy than others are. Often, there will be doubters who do not believe this can help. Some may think only the person with the addiction needs help. That’s not the case.

As noted, addiction impacts the entire family. It creates turmoil for each person, just in a different way. For that reason, each person needs to work through the damage for the whole group to move forward healthily.

Find the Help You Need at Georgia Addiction Treatment Center

When the family dynamics are skewed and creating problems with each person due to addiction, reach out for help. Our team can offer support through family counseling as well as group therapy sessions and individual therapy. This service can provide a way for people in all areas of the family to get the support they need.

Through a range of therapies, we can help you to regain confidence, no matter who you are in this process. Learn more about some of those therapies, including:

The family dynamics for addiction can be complex right now. With treatment and complete dedication to sobriety, it can get better. Georgia Addiction Treatment Center can offer you the support you need as you work towards that goal. Call us at [Direct] or connect online to learn how we help.

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