woman sitting on couch struggling with PTSD awareness month
By Published On: 01/06/2021Categories: Dual diagnosis, mental health treatment, Trauma TherapyComments Off on Observing PTSD Awareness MonthTags: , ,

For those who are battling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), every day can seem like a struggle. June is PTSD Awareness Month. It’s a time to work to remove the stigma of getting help for past trauma. It’s also one of the best times to focus on your own personal healing. If you are battling any type of trauma, our trauma therapy program at Georgia Addiction Treatment Center can help you. Reach out and get help today.

PTSD Awareness Month Matters

Raising awareness of PTSD is critical. Many people don’t understand it. Some use the term PTSD to describe any type of frightening situation. It can be incredibly challenging for those truly living with this disorder to go through each day facing memories and flashbacks of traumatic events. During the month of June, it makes sense to help others recognize and understand what this disorder is and how impactful it can be.

The goals of raising awareness include:

  • Helping people understand what PTSD really is
  • Reducing the stigma around PTSD and mental health in general
  • Supporting people living with PTSD with better insight
  • Creating opportunities to open up about past experiences to enable the brain to move beyond them
  • Ensure people who have these invisible wounds are getting the help they need in treatment

During this month, find a way to help others. Try to open up about your own experience if it feels right to do so. If not, recognize that now is the ideal time to get the help you need, too.

PTSD Awareness Day – Make It the Day You Get Help

For men and women suffering from PTSD, there is never a reason to wait to get help. This is a progressive condition that worsens over time. For many, it’s not possible to simply forget what happened. June 27th is recognized as PTSD Awareness Day. Use this day as an opportunity for you to reach out and get help.

What’s most important to remember about PTSD is that it does not have to continue. It seems impossible right now, but you can move beyond the past trauma and into a life that is not reliant on your past. You can build trust and overcome the intense pain you feel. If you have flashbacks that are haunting you or you are using drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with your past, this type of professional treatment can help you heal.

You don’t have to wait to get help. Doing so today can help you to start on a path of healing.

How Our Team Wants to Help You Overcome PTSD

With a range of therapy and treatment programs, Georgia Addiction Treatment Center is working hard to help anyone battling mental health disorders to get the support they need. Treatment is available, and it can be very effective. The only limitation is helping people see that PTSD does not have to be a lifelong battle.

Learn more about the programs and therapies we offer that may help you. That includes treatments such as:

If you are not struggling with this disorder but you know others that are, offer help and support to them. Encourage them to call our team to learn more about the therapy we offer.

Get Support to Start Healing from Georgia Addiction Treatment Center

During PTSD Awareness month, take a few minutes to recognize your need for professional support. Or reach out to a person you know is struggling. Our dedicated team of professionals at Georgia Addiction Treatment Center can provide exceptional support for you as you work to heal. Learn more when you call us at [Direct] or reach out to us online.

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