[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Addiction is a complex disease. Like any other, it takes an individualized treatment plan to help a person to stop using. It takes time to repair the damage addiction creates, too. Treatment is possible and can be highly effective. Why, then, do so many people avoid getting help? It could be because of the large number of myths about addiction and rehab. At Georgia Addiction Treatment Center, we offer an addiction treatment program that can offer the support and guidance you need to feel better.

Which Myths About Addiction Do You Believe?

Whether you are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction or it is someone you love, knowing the truth about this condition is critical. Consider a few of the most common myths that often hold people back.

  • Those addicted to drugs or alcohol can stop using at any time. This is the hardest realization to come to for those with addiction. Willpower is simply not enough to help a person with an addiction to stop using. Professional treatment is critical when dependence forms.
  • Addiction isn’t a disease. It’s a choice. As a disease, addiction requires customized treatment to address it and its damage. This is a chronic condition that worsens over time without treatment, creating life-threatening circumstances for that individual.
  • Relapse is inevitable. Why bother changing? The key to remember here is that relapse is a part of the recovery process for some – not all – people. It simply means a person needs more help to get beyond dependence.
  • Drug and alcohol use isn’t a bad thing. It’s even legal! There are some drugs becoming legally accessible, but that doesn’t make them safe to use. A person can develop an addiction to prescription drugs, alcohol, or marijuana that can reduce their lifespan.
  • You can’t become addicted to prescription medications. This is not true. When used outside of a doctor’s dosing and frequency requirements, prescription drugs such as opioids and benzos are very dangerous. A person should not use them if they were not prescribed them.

Addressing the Stigmas of Addiction

Many of these myths come from stigma. People believe that drug and alcohol addiction are signs of weakness or indications that an individual is a bad person. Just like mental health, addiction occurs quickly and impacts every facet of a person’s life. That makes it nearly impossible to stop using. Addiction is a complex disorder involving many organs of the body, including the brain. Treatment can be very effective, but a person has to realize this and make the decision to seek it out. That’s the key to overcoming addiction.

How an Addiction Treatment Program Can Help

In an addiction treatment program, medications and therapy are available to help a person to stop using. It is through these steps in an individualized treatment plan that addiction is controllable and managed.

At the heart of this is using a range of therapies to help a person overcome the damage addiction creates in life. That includes building confidence, overcoming negative thought processes, and rebuilding important family relationships. For those with addiction, therapies like the following are often key:

Realize addiction is a serious disease. Doing so means getting help to finally turn the page on the complications you are facing.

Explore the Recovery Options Available at Georgia Addiction Treatment Center

Addiction treatment is available and can help you to reclaim your health and future. If you believe the myths about addiction or you are just ready to get help, reach out to Georgia Addiction Treatment Center to find a path to move forward. Our addiction recovery services are always available to support your best outcome. Call [Direct] or reach out to us now online.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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